Think you have what it takes to surge to the top?
Here’s everything you need to know.
Know what you're signing up for.
This team is intended to create world champions.
Practice will be almost every Saturday (2-4:30 PM) in Lakeview from June 2025-April 2026, with a maximum of five absences allowed.
Season cost will be $1,450 with multiple, flexible payment plans available.
Training will be intense and choreography will be intricate.
We are looking for dancers that are committed to performing on the biggest stage in the world!
Know the audition requirements and train up.
Semifinal round | Dancers will turn in an audition tape executing the audition choreography.
Final round | In addition to performing the choreography, dancers will also be asked to demonstrate the following:
- Side Aerial
- Switching Spot Turns (.75 and 1.25)
- Right Triple Turn (minimum)
- Calypso
- Switch Arabesque
- Firebird
- Leg extension of choice
- Leap/jump of choice
- Turn combo of choice
- Any additional tumbling or acrobatic skills
pay the audition fee to unlock the choreography
Starting March 5th, 2025 | Venmo $20 audition fee to @MadelynMcGovern OR @AbigaleLicciardi with your email address and LA Surge Audition Fee in the payment description.
This fee covers studio overhead, experienced judges’ time and expertise, and detailed feedback that you will receive whether you make the team or not.
Once we have acquired your payment, you will recieve an email from us within the next business day that contains a recap of audition details and an unlisted YouTube link to the choreography.
film your audition tape and submit it before april 5th @ 11:59 PM
Email your audition tape to dancelasurge@gmail.com as an unlisted YouTube link any time before April 5th at 11:59 PM.
Your video should only consist of your execution of the choreography.
Your video should be titled First Name Last Name- LA Surge Audition Video 2025!
be on the lookout for your audition results by April 6th @ 11:59 pm
You will recieve an email stating whether or not you made it to the final round of auditions, in addition to your judging rubric from each of the judges which will give you detailed feedback on how your audition went.
Final round
Final auditions will be held in-person on Sunday, April 13th 2025. We will also host an informational meeting this day. This is the time to show your skills!
Good luck!